A 35 year old female came with burning micturition,pain abdomen ,left sided loin pain since 5 days


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Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

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A 35 year old female who is labourer by occupatio came with c/o burning micturition since 5 days C/o pain abdomen since 5 days

C/o left sided loin pain since 5 days

Hopi : pt was apparently asymptomatic 5 days back then she developed c/o burning micturition since 5 days

C/o pain abdomen since 5 days at epigastric region which is intermittent type and increased after intake of food associated with nausea

C/o left sides loin pain since 5 days

C/o no passage of stools since 3 days (passing flatus)

C/o B/L swelling at lower limb since 2 days which is up to knee (pitting type) 

No H/o decreased urine output ,Sob , palpitations,giddiness,jaundice

Past history :

No H/o similar complaints in the past

denovo  T2 DM present

Not a k/c/o HTN,cAD,asthma ,tb ,epilepsy.

Personal history : 

There is decreased appetite

Mixed appetite

Constipation since 3 days

Burning micturition present 

Occasionally toddy drinker 

No H/o similar complaints in the past 

O/E : pt is c/c/c

No pallor,icterus,clubbing,lymphadenopathy

B/L pitting type of oedema present

Vitals : pt is afebrile 

Bp: 110/70mmhg

PR: 86bpm

RR: 20c/m


Cvs :s1s2 heard.no murmurs

Rs: BAE +, NVBS 



INSPECTION : Abdomen bilaterally symmetrical.

All quadrants moving equally with respiration.

Umbilicus is central and inverted.

No scars,sinuses,striae,pigmentation,echymosis,dilated veins and visible pulsations.

PALPATION: on palpation abdomen is soft and  tenderness present at epigastric region

Deep tenderness present at renal angle

No Guarding and rigidity. 

No palpable mass

PERCUSSION : No fluid thrill.no shifting dullness

AUSCULTATION : Bowel sounds are sluggish

Cns : 

CNS: Higher mental function normal

Cranial nerves intact 

       Motor system: intact

       Sensory system: intact 


Rx :

Ivf NS and RL @75ml /hr

Inj magnex forte 1.5gm /iv/bd 

Inj lasix 20 mg iv bd

Inj pantop 40mg iv od

Temp charting 4th hourly 

Strict i/o charting

GRBS charting 6th hourly

Bp ,pr,spo2 4th hourly

Inj HAI sc after checking GRBS

Inj zofer 4mg iv bd 

Syp  lactulos 15ml po hs

Day 1 

No fresh complaints


Bp :130/90mmhg



Cvs :s1s2 heard


CNS :Normal



Ivf NS and RL @75ml /hr

Inj magnex forte 1.5gm /iv/bd 

Inj lasix 20 mg iv bd

Inj pantop 40mg iv od

Temp charting 4th hourly 

Strict i/o charting

GRBS charting 6th hourly

Bp ,pr,spo2 4th hourly

Inj HAI sc after checking GRBS

Syp lactulose 15ml po hs

Day 2

No fresh complaints


Bp :110/70mmhg



Cvs :s1s2 heard


CNS :Normal



Ivf NS and RL @75ml /hr

Inj magnex forte 1.5gm /iv/bd 

Inj lasix 20 mg iv bd

Inj pantop 40mg iv od

Temp charting 4th hourly 

Strict i/o charting

GRBS charting 6th hourly

Bp ,pr,spo2 4th hourly

Inj HAI sc after checking GRBS

Syp lactulose 15ml po hs

Day 3

No fresh complaints


Bp :110/70mmhg



Cvs :s1s2 heard


CNS :Normal



Ivf NS and RL @75ml /hr

Inj magnex forte 1.5gm /iv/bd 

Inj lasix 20 mg iv bd

Inj pantop 40mg iv od

Temp charting 4th hourly 

Strict i/o charting

GRBS charting 6th hourly

Bp ,pr,spo2 4th hourly

Inj HAI sc after checking GRBS

Syp lactulose 15ml po hs

Diagnosis : left sides pyelonephritis with AKI with denovo T2 DM

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